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Ingersoll tracks

Two major rail lines run through the Town of Ingersoll. One is owned by CN Rail and the other is owned by CP Rail and is maintained and operated by Ontario Southland Railroad. There is a wide variety of goods, both dangerous and nondangerous, that travel through Ingersoll daily. It is important to know the dangers of a rail line and how to avoid them.

In the event of an emergency, help us help you by ensuring first responders can find your address:

  1. Post your house number at the front of your home or business where it is visible from the street.
  2. Install a light fixture above the house numbers.
  3. Use large, plain numbers – not script or other hard-to-read lettering.
  4. Use colours that contrast, such as black on white.


Sign up for E-Alerts

Receive the latest breaking news that affects your community through ealerts.
eAlerts are sent to you as an email with a brief description of the event and a link back to the Town of Ingersoll website where you will receive more in depth information.

How will you know?

During a local emergency, residents will be notified in the following ways:
Local Media - Heart Fm 104.7, BX93, FM96
Municipal Website  




911 (Police, Fire and EMS)

Oxford OPP – 1-888-310-1122
Ingersoll OPP Detachment - 519-485-6554
Fire – 519-485-3910
Oxford County EMS – 519-539-9800
211 (Public Information)
Town Hall – 519-485-0120

Erie Thames Power 519-485-1820
Union Gas leaks 1-877-969-0999
Union Gas Emergency Locate 1-800-400-2255